I am a senior web developer and web addict, passionate about by web technologies. I enjoy my work, teamworking on cool projects
and have plenty ideas. I'm currently interessed in React and functional programming. I'm always motivated.
- Experience
Front End Engineed 2016-present
- Worked on the creation of the APM (Application Performance Monitoring) tool and helped make it through
- Worked on trace search (live APM traces) and helped make it through GA. The tool is an interface
meant to slice and dice throught billions of traces.
- As part of the frontend guild, enforced good pratices and helped to create a design system.
Lead Front Developer 2006-2016
- Management/recruitment/training of a team of 13 developers
- Worked on the next dailymotion internal SDK (ES6) + added
a simple relay implementation
- Introduced React in Dailymotion (created an universal POC), and pushed the company to switch
- Worked on the general release workflow and helped build our release system (we ship code to production
several times a day)
Added the GateKeeper concept (a configurable wall in front of functionalities) to Dailymotion. The GateKeeper is called hundreds
of millions of times per day.
- Introduced the Dailymotion Toolkit to drastically improve speed of development and UX coherence all
over the site
- Switched the site to TWIG (doubling page speed)
- New flash player (new architecture + switch to actionscript 3) with another developer
- HTML5 version of the site (html5 video player)
- HTML5 interface for Google TV/Chrome Webs Store and future set top boxes :
Developer - Courbevoie, 2003-2006
- Switch the site from php4 to php5 (object oriented)
- Developed new functionalities on the site, and real estate sites leechers
- Developed a ruby client to insert new real estate classified ads
Flipside (Vivendi Universal)
Developer - Paris - 2000-2003
- Developed the site back office in ASP
- Worked in a team of 10 developers on a Java multiplayer game (wordox) in Budapest, Hungary
- Developed/ported some casual games on mobile phone (Java MIDP)
- Skills
Programming skills
- React, redux, mobX
- Javascript: React, Redux, Angular
- CSS: SCSS, less, emotion, styled components, glamorous
- Animation: konva, react-motion, react-spring
Work environment
- System: Mac OSX, Linux
- Version control: git
- French: fluent
- English: fluent
- German: not so fluent
- Japanese: learning in progress
- Education
Institut Universitaire de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM)
Obtention du DUT Informatique
Lycée Courbet
Obtention du Bac Scientifique (mention assez-bien)
- Hobbies
- Building simple things, just for fun, here are a few examples:
- Books (Asimov, Pratchett, Steinbeck, Zelazny, Yourcenar, Camus)
- Music (i try to play guitar)